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English translation for "pumping house"

Example Sentences:
1.Design and realization of monitoring sub - station in gas drainage pump house
2.Injection pump housing
3.Rcc casting & backfilling work for cw pump house is in progress . excavation forcw channel was stared on april 2
4.Its inner force analytic research was accomplished , applied to laibin power plant pump house and got very good effect
5.The lubrication oil in the pump housing must be changed every 2500 working hours or every six months , whichever occurs earlier
6.Drawings for ash handling system have been submitted and waiting for approval ; coordinates for fly ash pump house shall be finalized within 7 days
关于除灰系统的图纸已提交等批准, 7在之内将确定除灰泵房的坐标。
7.Used for high fluidized , self - compaction pump concrete for pump house at the power station in bao shan steel mill
8.Between the oil - firing pump house and the oil , gas fuel central control place and the boiler attendant ' s operation place should have the communication equipment
9." works currently under way at a section of edinburgh place between queen s pier and star ferry pier are being undertaken by a commercial organisation for maintenance of its pump house in the area , " he added
10.The dcs applications in raw water intake , chlorination and chemical dosage , filtration station , output pumping house , power switching house and main control room are specially described in detail under different conditions of waterworks
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